YY Circle

YY Circle has evolved to become a lifestyle app to cater to all our users. A platform for income opportunities for all walks of life. In addition, a platform for businesses to offer quality lifestyle choices for YY Circle users. Its our continued mission to create more value and services for customers and businesses moving forward.The conventional business model is evolving and going digital is not an option but the best way forward. We want to partner with businesses to enhance their growth potential and incorporate effective solutions to increase business efficiency. We want to work closely with our partners and play a major part to their success.

YY Circle is a job search platform ranked top 10 apps in Google Play store, that allows you to search for full-time or part-time jobs, to receiving & withdrawing salaries through your YY E-wallet, receive reward points through YY Rewards to be utilized across our network of partner merchants ranging from F&B, beauty & wellness, retail, leisure & service and many more. Enjoy exclusive discounts & promotions Via YY Promotions to shop for the best deals in town. Manpower outsourcing is our expertise. Finding the best employee suitable for your job requirements while managing their work schedule is a tedious process. We remove the logistical complexity of job placements off your business model with technology and businesses in Singapore. You can now search for the most suitable applicants across our massive database of talents through our automated AI staffing system for a job posting.

Businesses in Singapore can better manage their manpower resources where we are able to supply staffing for urgent jobs and monitor the performance of their employees via our platform in terms of attendance or reviews while also tapping on our payroll system where once the staff’s work is completed. We have been in the industry for more than 10 years and are the pioneers in creating a digital platform for part-time and full-time job seekers to employers. We have been recognised as a reliable manpower supplier providing trained casual labour to major hotels, clubs and independent F&B outlets.

Agency’s manpower staffing has continually been a critical difficulty. Manpower impacts the whole thing from manufacturing to customer relationships and consequently, corporations pay cautious interest to the number and exceptional of employees a commercial enterprise engages at any given time. As an instance, productivity is something around which everything revolves. Now, the hyperlink among manpower and organisation initiatives is reasonably easy, Manpower is proportional to productiveness. The extra high-quality humans are to be had to pwork, the quicker projects can be finished or the extra initiatives an agency can take on. Let us see the safety factor now.

When Job recruitment Singapore personnel a sufficient range of precise employees, workers commonly do now not have to work a high number of additional time hours as a end result, people are much less confused and extra rested and alert. Court cases and workers' compensation claims may be decreased as a result. Additionally, when the level of manpower in an enterprise is good enough, the commercial enterprise has extra options in how it operates tackle modern-day corporation problems. Seeing the above few benefits of proper manpower planning and staffing, it turns into obvious that human resources and pleasant human assets are the foundation of any successful commercial enterprise. To acquire success, groups must make sure that this area gets due significance and interest.

For More Info:-https://yycircle.com/


Views: 545

Type: Organization/Business

Created: 7/29/2021


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