Rocket House Pictures

We live in a small world, usually defined by 30 seconds. But that’s plenty of time for a beginning, middle and an end, with plenty of storytelling in between... Rocket House Pictures is a Denver based production company. We create, conceptualize and produce tailored videos and short films. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality cinematic experience through motion pictures.

Corporate and Promotional Videos:
Effective promotional video can boost your marketing strategy by generating leads, raising awareness and driving traffic. To achieve your goals and deliver the results you want from your video content, you'll need a proper plan that reflects your audience and marketing aims. Rocket House Pictures provides videos that engage, inspire and compel people to act.

Training & Educational Videos:
Training videos can not only save organizations and businesses time and money, but are a great educational tool that can be played over and again. This holds tremendous potential for organizational learning.

Product Videos:
Product videos are a very effective online sales tool as they give a better view of the item and help to answer any queries the customer might have. A number of case studies from retailers says that product videos have boosted conversions by as much as 160... so the potential impact of the feature shouldn’t be ignored.

Real Estate Videos:
Real estate relies heavily on visual motivators. There is no better way to show off the virtues of a home than through video (apart from doing an actual, in-person walk-through, of course!). Video gives the prospective buyer the feeling of moving through the home, and is far more descriptive of the space than still.

Music Videos:
Having a music video available online is a good way advertise your music at a lower cost. The ability to share your music video on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube enables your music to be accessible to a much larger audience.

Book Trailers:
There is only so much marketing copy you can write about your book before you have saturated your target audience. But in one minute or less you can tap into the visual, auditory and emotional senses of your potential reader with a book trailer. Like its cousin the movie trailer, a book trailer is designed to get the buzz going and drive sales, or at least more interest.

Short Films:
The demand for short films has never been higher. Bloggers, new digital platforms, major media companies and brands are crying out for quality short films that can be streamed in order to build prestige and earn them distinction and drive traffic to their social media.

Views: 14539

Type: Organization/Business

Created: 4/16/2018

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